New Research Compounds + Important Information For Current Products
Published January 28, 2024 1339 Views
Hey all, I wanted to personally thank all of our amazing customers for working with us and being patient, understanding, and loyal during our difficult time at the end of last year holding inventory. We hope this is the last of our inventory issues. With that being said however, we will be...
The State of Synaptex, October 2023
Published October 24, 2023 3190 Views
Hello, It has been some time since we've written an actual post to update everyone on the current state of things with Synaptex. Mostly because we have been very busy with other projects, and because things have been running fairly smoothly. Lately, a few variables have changed that require...
The State of Synaptex, 5-26-2022
Published May 26, 2022 2394 Views
Hello all, I wish it were under better circumstances, but I wanted to give everyone a full update. We have been denied from our most recent attempt to receive credit/debit processing again. Please be assured we will have credit/debit processing again soon. My guess is within the next two...